Ready Play


“Field Magic has the potential to revolutionize the maintenance of baseball and softball fields. Its moisture retention capabilities are like nothing I have ever seen before.” —Clay Wood, Head Groundskeeper Oakland A’s

Ready play Surface Dry™


Ready Play Surface Dry™ has been proven to absorb 8 times more water than traditional calcined clay! What once took 200 lbs of calcined clay, can now be accomplished with 25 lbs of Ready Play Surface Dry™.

Simply spread Ready Play Surface Dry™ evenly over a muddy area and rake it in. Ready Play Surface Dry™’s quick absorption capabilities turn muddy areas into optimum playing conditions in a matter of minutes.

By using the Ready Play Dry Mats™ and Ready Play Surface Dry™ together as a system for moisture management, your field will be ready for games, practices, etc. in no time!


Ready play Dry Mat™


Ready Play Dry Mat™ is the perfect solution for standing water on your playing surface. Each mat can absorb up to 2 gallons of water at a time. By using Ready Play Dry Mat™, you will not lose any of your topsoil; you will simply absorb the water off the surface.


Ready play Field Magic™


Field Magic™ is Ready Play’s premier moisture retention product that will save you, not only time and energy, but water and money! Just incorporate Field Magic™ into your top dressing, overseeding, aeration, and new sod installation routine, and watch the Magicwork for you!

Field Magic™ is a super absorbent sand under a patented process, whose advanced technology greatly enhances water holding capacity, improves aeration results, prevents soil erosion, enhances top growth, lowers frequency of watering and irrigation, and is biodegradable and non-toxic.