“A fun and fancy quote here.” —A happy customer
AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™
Changes From the Roots Up
Your yard is your canvas and you deserve vibrant landscaping that you can be proud of.
AquaSmart™ Pro is a revolutionary granular water management product designed to absorb 12x its weight in water and soluble nutrients; then slowly release 95% of that water and nutrients at a steady pace to Grow Smarter, Grow Vibrant, Grow Green. Prepare to water less and grow more, whether that’s your lawn, potted plants and flower beds or ornamental plants and newly planted trees. Just a few tablespoons can be used to restore small areas of drought-damaged grass or nourish a potted plant. AquaSmart™ Pro helps save water, time, and money while improving soil conditions, growing healthier plants and turf, nurturing stronger root systems, while minimizing nutrient runoff. Biodegradable, non-toxic, kid-safe and pet-friendly.
Happy roots are just one click away
AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™
AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ is an engineered, biodegradable, super-absorbent sand created with a patented process that allows it to retain up to 8 times its weight in water and water soluble nutrients.
AquaSmart’s™ patented super absorbent polymer coated sand is engineered for maximum absorption and unbeatable convenience. Get ready to water less and grow more, whether that’s potted plants and flower beds or ornamental plants and newly planted trees. Just a few tablespoons of our sand can be used to restore small areas of drought-damaged grass or nourish a potted plant.
- Reduces normal watering by 50%
- Holds nutrients in the soil longer
- Prevents “brown out” even if normal watering cycles are missed
- Great for new or transplanted trees
- Biodegradable, kid-safe and pet-friendly
AquaSmart WaterSaver™
AquaSmart’s™ new patented super absorbent polymer coated silica sand 4 lbs. container that is perfect for reducing the need to water all types of potted plants, flower beds and containers, transplants, existing ornamental plants and newly planted trees. It can also be used for restoration of very small areas of damaged grass because of drought stress or under watering. The product absorbs 8X its
weight when watered and gradually releases that water to
the soil.
- Reduces normal watering by 50%
- Holds nutrients in the soil longer
- Prevents “brown out” even if normal watering cycles are missed
- Great for new or transplanted trees
- Biodegradable, kid-safe and pet-friendly
You’re just 3 simple steps from growing Greener Grass, With Less Water
*For best results, aerate the turf area before applying AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™

We recommend that a rotary spreader be used to apply product. Set the spreader to spread 40 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.

Apply evenly to a dry lawn.

Apply one heavy watering. (Generally double the standard running time)
Subsequent watering can be reduced from 30-50% – based on climate and soil conditions
How To Apply AquaSmart Lawn & Garden
Application Rate: 40 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
New Sod
Spread AquaSmart™ evenly across the area where the sod will be installed and scratch the product into the soil with a rake or similar implement. Lay sod and apply one heavy watering (generally double the standard irrigation run time) to fully hydrate product. Return to normal irrigation run times, but decrease watering frequency by up to 50% depending on climate, soil type and variety.
Sow seed in your usual manner. Spread AquaSmart™ evenly over the top of the seed. Apply one heavy watering (generally double the standard irrigation run time) to fully hydrate product. Return to normal irrigation run times, but decrease watering frequency by up to 50% depending on climate, soil type and variety.
After Aeration
Spread AquaSmart™ evenly across the aerated area and work product into aeration holes. Apply one heavy watering (generally double the standard irrigation run time) to fully hydrate product. Return to normal irrigation run times, but decrease watering frequency by up to 50% depending on climate, soil type and variety.
Topical Application
Spread AquaSmart™ evenly across the area to be treated. Apply one heavy watering (generally double the standard irrigation run time) to fully hydrate product. Return to normal irrigation run times, but decrease watering frequency by up to 50% depending on climate, soil type and variety. For hot-spots simply treat the area, apply one heavy watering (generally double the standard irrigation run time) to fully hydrate product, and return to normal irrigation run times.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ last in my yard?
AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™, if applied to our specifications, will give benefits lasting approximately one year. There are many factors that could change this including: the grade and material in your yard, the amount you turnover the material and the climate you are in.
How much AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ do I need?
The amount of AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ needed is based on size of yard and local climatic conditions. Each 40 lb. bag of AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ will treat 1,000 sq. ft. For example, a small total yard area might average a total of about 3,000 sq. ft., so you would need a little over 3 bags of AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ to cover the entire area as recommended.
Can I use too much AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™?
Yes. AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ provides specific usage instructions for your lawn for the highest quality results possible. For instructions for AquaSmart™ LawnSaver™ products, please contact us. Using too much product can affect the health of your field. Remember, Less is More.
How does AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ work?
AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ is an engineered, biodegradable, super-absorbent sand created with a patented process that allows it to retain up to 12 times its weight in water and water soluble nutrients. As water enters the treated area, it will adhere to AquaSmart Lawn & Garden’s™ super-absorbent particles, which then hold them near the surface area, releasing them as needed to the plant when required.
Will my lawn be safe for children and pets after applying AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™?
Yes. When used as recommended, AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ is safe for children and plants. AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ is also completely biodegradable and non toxic.
Can I use AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ with my flowers too?
Yes. For potted plants, blend recommended amount of AquaSmart Lawn & Garden™ from the chart above with potting soil, then finish planting. For flower beds, transplanting, or planting in native soils, see recommended transplant rate from chart above. Put half of recommended rate into the hole dug for your plant and blend the other half with backfill dirt that you will replace around the plant. Then finish planting. Water thoroughly.